The Knowledge Of The Holy
The Knowledge Of The Holy

The Knowledge Of The Holy

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Interested in rejuvenating your prayer life, meditating more reverently, understanding God more deeply and experiencing more of his presence in your daily life?

Informative and inspiring, THE KNOWLEDGE OF THE HOLY illuminates God's attributes from wisdom and grace, to mercy, and shows through insightful discussion how we can fully recognise each of these divine aspects.

This book bears eloquent witness to God's majesty and shows us new ways to experience and understand the wonder and the power of his spirit in our daily lives.

ISBN: 1850786214
Réf.: 1850786214
EAN: 9781850786214
Dimensions: 70 x 109 x 17 mm
Poids: 0,077kg
Date de sortie: 02/10/1997
Langue: Anglais

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