The Lion Easy-Read Bible
The Lion Easy-Read Bible

The Lion Easy-Read Bible

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A fun and vibrant Bible that has been carefully written to be suitable for young readers. Each book of the Bible has been included in some form, so that children and the grown-ups who share the book with them can appreciate the feel of a 'proper' Bible. Expressive and engaging illustrations help the narrative along, and enhance the storytelling.

ISBN: 9780745965536
Réf.: 0745965536
Dimensions: 134 x 205 x 21 mm
Poids: 0,278kg
Date de sortie: 18/08/2017
Langue: Anglais

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Christina Goodings
Auteur de livres pour enfants, Christina Goodings sait comment captiver les plus jeunes. Elle puise à même son expérience de maman, d’institutrice et de monitrice d’école du dimanche.