The Power of right believing
The Power of right believing

The Power of right believing

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What you believe is powerful. If you can change what you believe, you can change your life!Many today are struggling to control their behaviors and actions because they don't have control over their emotions and feelings. They don't have control over their emotions and feelings because they don't have control over their thoughts. And they don't have control over their thoughts because they are not controlling what they believe. Put simply, if you believe wrong, you will struggle with wrong thoughts, toxic emotions, and destructive addictions. The good news is, there is a way out of this vicious cycle of defeat.THE POWER OF RIGHT BELIEVING will guide you to victory with these seven simple but practical keys that you can apply every day in your life:- Believe In God's Love For You - Learn To See What God Sees - Receive God's Complete Forgiveness- Win The Battle For Your Mind - Be Free From Self-Occupation- Have A Confident Expectation Of Good- Find Rest In The Father's Love These seven keys are easy and highly effective Bible-based principles that will calibrate your mind to develop positive habits for right believing. Start believing right and experience freedom from every fear, guilt, and addiction.
ISBN: 9781444798586
Edit. ou Prod.: Hodder & Stoughton
Réf.: 1444798586
Dimensions: 129 x 197 x 24 mm
Poids: 0,334kg
Nombre de pages: 348
Date de sortie: 30/09/2013
Langue: Anglais

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