The Way Of The Wild Heart
The Way Of The Wild Heart

The Way Of The Wild Heart

A Map for the Masculine Journey

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I can fix it. I don't need directions. I can figure this out on my own. These thoughts that erupt from a man's bravado, from his deep urge to be a real man. Yet underneath this, there is a louder voice countering, You can't. You're not capable. You're weak. Many men-possibly all men-face two looming questions at some point in their life. What does it mean to be a man, and am I one

The Way of the Wild Heart reaches out to "unfinished men" trying to understand and live their role as men and fathers. Exploring six biblically based stages, John Eldredge initiates men into a new understanding and ownership of their manhood and equips them to effectively lead their sons to manhood.

ISBN: 0785288686
Référence du produit: 0785288688
EAN: 9780785288688
Poids: 0,001kg
Date de sortie: 09/08/1989
Langue: Anglais

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John Eldredge
John Eldredge est écrivain, conseiller et conférencier. Il est l’auteur de La Romance Sacrée et Les trésors du cœur (Éditions Farel), et a reçu en 2002 un prix littéraire américain pour le présent ouvrage. John vit au Colorado, où il peut vivre ses autres passions : la pêche à la mouche, l’escalade et l’exploration des rivières de l’Ouest en canoë.