The Action Bible HB
The Action Bible HB

The Action Bible HB

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The Action Bible presents 215 fast-paced narratives in chronological order, making it easier to follow the Bible’s historical flow and reinforcing the build-up to its thrilling climax.

The stories in The Action Bible communicate clearly and forcefully to contemporary readers. This compelling blend of clear writing plus dramatic images offers an appeal that crosses all age boundaries.

Internationally recognized artist Sergio Cariello has created attention-holding illustrations marked by rich coloring, dramatic shading and lighting, bold and energetic designs, and emotionally charged figures.

Let this epic rendition draw you into all the excitement of the world’s most awesome story.

Brazilian-born Sergio Cariello has been an accomplished artist since childhood, drawing a regular comic strip for his city’s newspaper by age eleven. He later worked for Marvel Comics and DC Comics. He attended the Joe Kubert School of Cartoon and Graphic Art as well as the Word of Life Bible Institute. He currently resides in Florida with his wife Luzia.

ISBN: 9780781444996
Edit. ou Prod.: David C. Cook
Référence du produit: 0781444996
Dimensions: 165 x 255 x 45 mm
Poids: 0,952kg
Nombre de pages: 744
Date de sortie: 19/12/2013
Langue: Anglais

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Sergio Cariello
Sergio Cariello se fait remarquer comme artiste depuis l’âge de onze ans, quand il commence à réaliser dessins et scénarii de bandes dessinées pour un hebdomadaire de sa ville. Après des études de théologie, puis d’arts graphiques avec une spécialisation dans la bande dessinée, il travaille pour deux majors américains DC Comics et Marvel Comics. Il réside actuellement en Floride avec sa femme, Luzia.