The Complete Evangelical Parallel Bible
The Complete Evangelical Parallel Bible

The Complete Evangelical Parallel Bible


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Students of Scripture love to compare how translators have understood the ancient Hebrew and Greek texts to see if they can discover deeper meanings, or simply ask more pertinent questions. Four of the most popular versions have been placed in parallel columns—KJV, NKJV, NIV (2011 update text), and NLT—so all can take copious notes.


  • Four Popular Translations
    • King James Version (KJV)—The dignified, poetic language of this word-for-word translation has made it the favorite of countless readers for over four centuries.
    • New International Version (NIV) (2011 Update Text)—Scholarly accuracy and easy readability combine to help you understand and apply the intended reading of the text.
    • New King James Version (NKJV)—A completely updated translation that's faithful to the accuracy and beauty of the KJV, using contemporary and readable language.
    • New Living Translation (NLT)—A more consistent rendering of ancient terms into their modern English equivalents brings clarity, along with marginal notes that explain word choices.
  • Table of weights and measures
  • 8-point text size
  • 9.75" x 6.75" x 2.50"
ISBN: 978158569483
Edit. ou Prod.: Hendrickson Bibles
Référence du produit: 158569483
EAN: 9781598569483
Dimensions: 170 x 245 x 60 mm
Poids: 1,872kg
Nombre de pages: 2935
Date de sortie: 13/09/2018
Langue: Anglais

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