The Key To The Middle East
The Key To The Middle East

The Key To The Middle East

Discovering The Future Of Israel In Biblical Prophecy

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One Nation Holds the Key to the Destiny of Mankind. Though it may seem distant from our modern lives, the drama playing out in the Middle East on the world stage has consequences beyond what we can imagine. And in the tumult of it all, one tiny nation will become the watershed of world events, affecting us all. In this accessible, behind-the-scenes guide, internationally renowned teacher and scholar Derek Prince goes beyond the headlines and immerses you in what the Bible has to say about Israel. Tracing her long, astonishing history, he offers insight into the mounting tension and exposes the destructive enemy now stalking this war-torn land. Accessible and fascinating, The Key to the Middle East also reveals God's plans for all nations-and what our future could look like. Prince's depth of understanding and interpretation of Scripture will challenge and encourage you. But above all, you will be brought face-to-face with the God who remembers, honors and lovingly guards His promises to His people.

ISBN: 9780800795559
Edit. ou Prod.: Baker Book House
Référence du produit: 0800795559
Dimensions: 142 x 217 x 14 mm
Poids: 0,296kg
Nombre de pages: 208
Date de sortie: 30/11/2013
Langue: Anglais

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Derek Prince
Derek PRINCE a fait ses études à Eton et à Cambridge, puis il a rempli la fonction de professeur de philosophie à Cambridge de 1940 à 1949. Pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale, sa vie fut transformée lors d’une rencontre personnelle avec Jésus-Christ. Il est reconnu aujourd’hui comme l’un des principaux enseignants de la Bible de notre époque. Derek Prince nous a quitté pour entrer dans la gloire de Dieu en septembre 2003.