The Message remix 2.0 - Storm Black
The Message remix 2.0 - Storm Black

The Message remix 2.0 - Storm Black

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The Message//REMIX presents the Bible in stirring clarity, bringing its deep truths into focus for first-time and long-time readers alike. Unlike any other Bible, the //REMIX’s unique design reveals that what’s inside is something special. Surprising readers with its vivid language, The Message compels readers to pause, reflect, and recognize their own lives from a new perspective―God’s perspective.

Don’t let your Scripture reading settle into a sleepy routine. Experience the power of God’s voice in the language of today. Come and delight in the passion and personality that fill God’s Word.

ISBN: 1612915685
Edit. ou Prod.: Navpress
Référence du produit: 1612915685
EAN: 9781612915685
Dimensions: 140 x 195 x 40 mm
Poids: 0,851kg
Date de sortie: 12/02/2018
Langue: Anglais

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