Anger how do you handle it ?
Anger how do you handle it ?

Anger how do you handle it ?

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Anger is the most powerful of emotions. It can be the driving force that enables us to achieve the seemingly impossible or the stumbling block that traps us into a life style characterized by unforgiveness, bitterness, broken relationships and violence. Keys presented in this book will explain how you can deal with the accumulation of anger from past events and how you can in future deal with the situations that cause you to feel angry. The book also provides much needed understanding for those in the caring ministries who are seeking to help those with 'an anger problem'.

This book is part of Sovereign World's 'Truth & Freedom' series based on the renowned teaching program from Ellel Ministries International.

ISBN: 9781852404505
Edit. ou Prod.: Ellel Ministries
Référence du produit: 1852404505
Dimensions: 140 x 216 x 7 mm
Poids: 0,177kg
Nombre de pages: 110
Date de sortie: 30/06/2006
Langue: Anglais

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