Conversational evangelism
Conversational evangelism

Conversational evangelism

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Witnessing used to involve laying out the truth and guiding a person to understand and accept it. But the awareness of basic Christian principles has changed and so have the needs of pre-believers. With a passion for people, authors David and Norman Geisler share an engaging, conversational approach to evangelism as they address:

  • What makes old models of witnessing ineffective in today’s culture
  • Why evangelism must start with relational pre-evangelism
  • How to ask questions, listen attentively, and understand what someone believes
  • Ways to identify the real barriers to belief in order to build a bridge to truth
  • How to keep dialogue going with different personality types

This refreshing, practical resource is ideal for churches and individuals. Readers will discover how God uses their everyday encounters for great things when they switch from trying to witness effectively to effectively being a witness through communication and compassion.

ISBN: 9780736950831
Edit. ou Prod.: Harvest House Publishing
Référence du produit: 0736950831
Nombre de pages: 256
Date de sortie: 31/10/2014
Langue: Anglais

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