Good leaders ask great questions
Good leaders ask great questions

Good leaders ask great questions

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In GOOD LEADERS ASK GREAT QUESTIONS, John C. Maxwell delves into the process of becoming a successful leader by examining how questions can be used to advantage. What are the questions leaders should ask themselves? What questions should they ask members of their team? He then responds to the toughest problems leaders have presented to him. Using social media, Maxwell offered the floor to followers with unanswered questions about what it takes to achieve their professional best, and selected seventy questions on the most popular topics, including:- How can I discover my unique purpose as a leader?- What is the most effective daily habit that any leader should develop?- How do you motivate an unmotivated person?- How would you work with a difficult leader who has no vision?This book is a thorough, insightful response to those readers and anyone who feels they have plateaued on their journey to develop their ultimate potential. Every leader has room to grow, and the advice in these pages will help readers assess their current position, and structure an effective plan to achieve their goals.

ISBN: 9781455548040
Edit. ou Prod.: Hodder & Stoughton
Référence du produit: 1455548040
Dimensions: 154 x 231 x 26 mm
Poids: 0,446kg
Nombre de pages: 310
Date de sortie: 30/11/2014
Langue: Anglais

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John Maxwell
John C Maxwell est un expert en leadership de renommée internationale, conférencier et auteur qui a vendu plus de 19 millions de livres. Il est le fondateur de EQUIP organisation qui a formé plus de 5 millions de dirigeants dans 126 pays à travers le monde.