Homespun Gospel
Homespun Gospel

Homespun Gospel

The Triumph of Sentimentality in Contemporary American Evangelicalism

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God, as depicted in popular evangelical literature, is loving and friendly, described in heartfelt, often saccharine prose evocative of nostalgia, comfortable domesticity, and familial love. This emotional appeal is a widely-adopted strategy of the writers most popular among American evangelicals, including such high-profile pastors as Max Lucado, Rick Warren, and Joel Osteen. Todd M. Brenneman offers an in-depth examination of this previously unexplored aspect ofAmerican evangelical identity: sentimentality, which aims to produce an emotional response by appealing to readers' notions of familial relationships, superimposed on their relationship with God. Brenneman argues that evangelicals use sentimentality to establish authority in the public sphere-authority that is, by its emotional nature, unassailable by rational investigation. Evangelicals also deploy sentimentality to try to bring about change in society, though, as Brenneman shows, the sentimental focus on individual emotion and experience can undermine the evangelical agenda. Sentimentality not only allows evangelicals to sidestep intellectual questioning, but sets the stage fordoctrinal change as well as weakening the evangelical vision of transforming society into the kingdom of God.

ISBN: 9780199988983
Edit. ou Prod.: Oxford University Press
Référence du produit: 0199988983
Dimensions: 163 x 240 x 17 mm
Poids: 0,553kg
Nombre de pages: 196
Date de sortie: 31/01/2014
Langue: Anglais

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