KJV Large print text Bible
KJV Large print text Bible

KJV Large print text Bible

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A large-print KJV that is easy on the eye yet comfortable to hold. The large, black print is clear and easy to read. This is a text edition only, no references or maps included.
The traditional and resonant language of the KJV has given this translation an enduring appeal throughout the English speaking world. This Large print text edition offers clear, large print for ease of reading. It also features pronunciation marks in the text to show how to pronounce the names of people and places. At the top of each page there is a subtitle of what is happening on that page. Black letter edition

ISBN: 9780521163347
Edit. ou Prod.: Cambridge University Press
Référence du produit: 0521163347
Poids: 0,392kg
Nombre de pages: 1566
Date de sortie: 31/03/1984
Langue: Anglais
Version de Bible: King James Version
Couleur: Bleu
Taille de caractères: Confort

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