New Testament Bible Stories
New Testament Bible Stories

New Testament Bible Stories

Stickers set of 6 pages

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These bright and colorful illustrations of favorite New Testament accounts will help you share true Bible stories and the truths they bring with kids at home or church. Help children remember the stories and teachings you point out, with stickers of the birth of baby Jesus, Johns baptism of Jesus, Jesus calming of the storm, Jesus miracle of the feeding of 5000, the parable of the lost son, Zacchaeus, and more. All images are taken from My Pajama Bible by Andy Holmes, illustrated by Tim OConnor. Includes 6 sheets; 54 stickers total.

ISBN: 9781496402950
Edit. ou Prod.: Tyndale Publishers
Référence du produit: 1496402950
Dimensions: 105 x 147 x 2 mm
Poids: 0,024kg
Date de sortie: 31/12/2015
Langue: Anglais

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