Preaching and Preachers
Preaching and Preachers

Preaching and Preachers

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Some may object to my dogmatic assertions; but I do not apologise for them. Every preacher should believe strongly in his own method; and if I cannot persuade all of the rightness of mine, I can at least stimulate them to think and to consider other possibilities. I can say quite honestly that I would not cross the road to listen to myself preaching, and the preachers whom I have enjoyed most have been very different indeed in their method and style. But my business is not to describe them but to state what I believe to be right, however imperfectly I have put my own precepts into practice. I can only hope that the result will be of some help, and especially to young preachers called to this greatest of all tasks, and especially in these sad and evil times. With many others I pray that "The Lord of the harvest may thrust forth" many mighty preachers to proclaim 'the unsearchable riches of Christ!'
ISBN: 9781444750287
Référence du produit: 1444750287
Dimensions: 130 x 198 x 20 mm
Poids: 0,270kg
Nombre de pages: 327
Date de sortie: 30/06/2013
Langue: Anglais

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David Martyn Lloyd-Jones
Martyn Lloyd-Jones (1899-1981) – D’origine galloise, il atteignit une notoriété certaine dans le domaine médical avant de se consacrer au ministère pastoral. Il fut d’abord pasteur d’une petite église dans le bassin minier du Pays de Galles, puis il devint pasteur à Westminster Chapel, une des plus célèbres assemblées indépendantes de Londres. Prédicateur et conférencier renommé, il fut une inspiration à un grand nombre de pasteurs, d’étudiants en théologie et de membres d’église pour la redécouverte de la foi historique.