Pursuit Of God
Pursuit Of God

Pursuit Of God

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In this Christian classic, late pastor and evangelist A. W. Tozer brings the mystics to bear on modern spirituality, grieving the hustle and bustle and calling for a slow, steady gaze upon God. With prophetic vigor and flowing prose, he urges us to replace low thoughts of God with lofty ones, to quiet our lives so we can know God's presence. He reminds us that life apart from God is really no life at all. Paperback.

ISBN: 9781600660030
Edit. ou Prod.: Moody Press
Référence du produit: 1600660153
Dimensions: 125 x 142 x 11 mm
Poids: 0,112kg
Nombre de pages: 144
Date de sortie: 30/04/2015
Langue: Anglais

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