The Baby Bible Storybook For Boys
The Baby Bible Storybook For Boys

The Baby Bible Storybook For Boys

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Baby Bible returns with a fresh look and expanded product line. Parents will cherish fun reading time that gently introduces spiritual truth to toddlers.
Introduce your toddler to forty-eight pages of songs and prayers that will help your child learn how to express worship to God. He or she will delight in these simple-to-learn verses and fun activities that are geared for your child's age level. Brightly colored illustrations will demonstrate how other children sing and pray, too, providing an example of how we worship God in everyday activities, not just on Sundays.
Features brand new full-colour art, updated for today's kids. Still the same compact size that's just right for little hands, the powerful content remains the same too - brief, age-appropriate stories for short attention spans, with every line accompanied by a hand motion or activity that keeps kids laughing and engaged. Each book contains a parent guide to help reinforce the lessons their little ones learn. In addition, each story ends with a brief prayer that teaches children to pray.

ISBN: 9780781435017
Edit. ou Prod.: David C. Cook
Référence du produit: 0781435017
Dimensions: 130 x 170 x 40 mm
Poids: 0,392kg
Nombre de pages: 32
Date de sortie: 19/12/2013
Langue: Anglais

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