The Bondage Breaker New Edition
The Bondage Breaker New Edition

The Bondage Breaker New Edition

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Featuring a new introduction by Neil T. Anderson, this freshly recovered edition of his bestselling book "The Bondage Breaker" (more than 1.2 million copies sold) leads readers away from the shadows and shackles in their lives and toward the freedom that comes when they

  • realize they have the right to be free
  • confront the power of Satan
  • fight the temptation to do it their way
  • trade deception for grace
  • affirm their identity in Christ

Neil Anderson ultimately helps people break negative thought patterns, control irrational feelings, and break out of the bondage of sinful behavior. Those struggling will discover how to embrace the promise of Jesus to win the spiritual battles that confront them."

ISBN: 9780736918145
Référence du produit: 0736918145
Dimensions: 130 x 198 x 25 mm
Poids: 0,302kg
Date de sortie: 22/08/1997
Langue: Anglais

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Neil Anderson
Neil T. Anderson est le fondateur et le président de Freedom in Christ Ministries. Ingénieur, pasteur puis directeur d'études de théologie pratique aux USA, il est l'auteur de plus de 30 livres parmi lesquels figurent Une nouvelle identité pour une nouvelle vie, Le libérateur et Libérés de nos peurs.