The Steps To Freedom In Christ
The Steps To Freedom In Christ

The Steps To Freedom In Christ

Revised, A Step To Step Guide To Help You

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Receiving Christ is no guarantee that you won't have conflicts in your life. Personal and spiritual problems will still crop up. Condemning thoughts, compulsive behaviors, personal conflicts, spiritual struggles and despair-and all types of personal and spiritual bondage-can lay claim to your life.

However, you can overcome them all and reclaim the promise of freedom that Christ offers to all who come in His name. As a child of God, you can resolve your conflicts, break free from bondage, renew your mind and experience daily victory in every aspect of your life.

The Steps to Freedom in Christ will show you the way. Are you ready to take the first step? Once you do, you'll never turn back. Because the fact is, you'll never want to!

ISBN: 9780764213755
Edit. ou Prod.: Baker Book House
Référence du produit: 0830728787
Dimensions: 140 x 214 x 5 mm
Poids: 0,112kg
Nombre de pages: 64
Date de sortie: 30/04/2010
Langue: Anglais

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Neil Anderson
Neil T. Anderson est le fondateur et le président de Freedom in Christ Ministries. Ingénieur, pasteur puis directeur d'études de théologie pratique aux USA, il est l'auteur de plus de 30 livres parmi lesquels figurent Une nouvelle identité pour une nouvelle vie, Le libérateur et Libérés de nos peurs.