Touch the World through Prayer
Touch the World through Prayer

Touch the World through Prayer

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'God has a wonderful plan by which you can have a world influence through your prayer,' writes Dr. Wesley Duewel. 'God has planned that ordinary Christians like you and me can become mighty in prayer for the reaping of Christ’s harvest among the nations today.' Touch the World through Prayer explains how every Christian can pray for the missionaries, church leaders, and political leaders in countries around the globe where the gospel is being preached today. Dr. Duewel gives specific Bible promises that we can claim in these intercessory prayers. He describes how to pray in the power of Jesus’ name, how to counteract the influence of Satan, how to recognize the work of angels in answer to prayer, and much more. Touch the World through Prayer provides step-by-step plans for making a prayer list, organizing a prayer circle, and holding a prayer retreat for your Christian friends who have a burden for missions.
ISBN: 9780310362715
Edit. ou Prod.: Zondervan
Référence du produit: CLCW62715
Dimensions: 138 x 215 x 18 mm
Poids: 0,262kg
Nombre de pages: 256
Date de sortie: 23/12/2022
Langue: Anglais

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