When words matter most
When words matter most

When words matter most

Speaking Truth With Grace to Those You Love

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When a friend or family member is struggling spiritually, do you ever feel uncertain about what to say? You may sense your loved ones need to hear biblical encouragement or advice but, feeling inadequate for the task, you might simply commiserate or say nothing. God calls you to something more.

In When Words Matter Most, Cheryl Marshall and Caroline Newheiser help you discern spiritual needs and give biblical, heartfelt guidance. Through real-life stories and carefully chosen Scripture passages, they model what to say to those who are worried, weary, wayward, or weeping. You'll learn how to speak truth to others in your sphere of influence and strengthen the body of Christ as a whole.

ISBN: 9781433571244
Edit. ou Prod.: Crossway
Référence du produit: CLWW71244
Dimensions: 140 x 214 x 16 mm
Poids: 0,330kg
Nombre de pages: 224
Date de sortie: 21/09/2021
Langue: Anglais

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