Angels On Assignment
Angels On Assignment

Angels On Assignment

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In this intriguing book, Roland Buck describes his personal encounters with angels and what the Bible tells us about these messengers of God. You'll find out how God's messengers impact your own life and how God is using angels to help usher in the great end-times harvest of souls before the return of Jesus. As you become aware of the remarkable role of these messengers of God, you'll gain increased faith and confidence in God's plan for your life, for the ministry of believers, and for the salvation of multitudes of people leading to the second coming of Christ.

ISBN: 9780883686973
Edit. ou Prod.: Whitaker House
Référence du produit: 0883686973
Dimensions: 150 x 228 x 12 mm
Poids: 0,271kg
Nombre de pages: 192
Date de sortie: 24/04/1996
Langue: Anglais

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