NIV Bible
NIV Bible

NIV Bible

Life Application Study Bible HB

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The Life Application Study Bible is today's #1 selling study Bible because it helps people see how the Scriptures are relevant to today's issues. This edition of the Life Application Study Bible lets you enjoy the best-selling Life Application features with the popular New International Version. The most extensive resource Bible in the world is also the first Bible specifically designed to help you apply what you read to everyday life. The Bible is a life-changing book. But how can something from the ancient world apply to life at the dawn of the twenty-first century - to personal relationships, family life, the working environment, self-image, and complex moral issues? The Life Application Study Bible bridges the gap. Nearly 100 contributors and scholars (many with pastoral experience) from a variety of denominations, helped to prepare the notes, profiles, charts, maps, index, and other helps which make this volume go way beyond ordinary study Bibles.

ISBN: 9780854769469
Edit. ou Prod.: Kingsway
Référence du produit: 0854769469
Dimensions: 180 x 240 x 55 mm
Poids: 2,240kg
Date de sortie: 30/09/2009
Langue: Anglais
Version de Bible: New International Version
Particularité: Étude
Particularité: Avec cartes géographiques
Couleur: Rouge
Motif couverture: Illustré

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