Act like men
Act like men
Act like men

Act like men

12 keys for men to become men - 12 keys for women to understand them

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"Over the post 15 years, I've met so many discouraged men who are not living their identity as men. Guys who are missing out on the life God has for them. I've spent hours questioning my own condition, and trying to figure out what it means "to be a man".

It's the fruit of these conversations and reflections that I am sharing this book with you. If you are a man, read this book. If you are a wife, read this book to help your husband to enter fully into his condition. If you are a Young single woman, read this book and aspire to build a relationship with a man who has the characteristics contained in these pages. Gentlemen, together with the apostle Paul, I beg you: "Let's be men." 
ISBN: 9782957071142
Edit. ou Prod.: Jérémie Poulet
Réf.: JP-A010
Dimensions: 150 x 210 x 9 mm
Poids: 0,270kg
Nombre de pages: 172
Date de sortie: 01/01/2024
Langue: Français

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