Armed and dangerous : the ultimate battle plan for targeting and defeating the enemy
Armed and dangerous : the ultimate battle plan for targeting and defeating the enemy

Armed and dangerous : the ultimate battle plan for targeting and defeating the enemy

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Jesus made it clear that the devil has come to steal, kill, and destroy. Hell is ready to unleash fury against every follower of Jesus. Yet many believers live in denial, letting the enemy steal their blessings, destroy their relationship with Jesus, and kill their hope.

But no more. It's time to put the enemy on notice!

With passion and insight gained from years on the frontlines of spiritual warfare, John Ramirez equips you with the biblical weapons and practical strategies you need to battle the enemy successfully, including how to
- discern and shut down the enemy's tactics and next moves
- fight with your God-given authority
- break free from destructive patterns and replace them with godly ones
- fortify your mind and heart against attacks
- take back what the devil has stolen
- grow in wisdom and maturity in Christ
- and more!

Here is everything you need to become armed and dangerous against every adversary that threatens your relationship and growth with Jesus. Through the power of the Holy Spirit you can destroy the power of the enemy and protect all that God has given you.

It's time to push back the gates of hell, advance the Kingdom, and live the life God designed you for.

ISBN: 9780800798505
Edit. ou Prod.: B&H Publishing Group
Référence du produit: 0800798505
Dimensions: 140 x 215 x 14 mm
Poids: 0,284kg
Nombre de pages: 204
Date de sortie: 30/06/2018
Langue: Français

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John Ramirez
JOHN RAMIREZ est un évangéliste et un auteur de renommée internationale. Orateur très sollicité, depuis plus de 16 ans, il parcourt le globe afin d’enseigner aux croyants comment vaincre l’ennemi. Ancien prêtre parmi les plus grandes figures du satanisme, il a été sauvé miraculeusement. Un puissant témoignage qu’il a partagé sur les plateaux télévisés de It’s Supernatural ! TBN, le 700 Club, Daystar et bien d'autres encore.