Unmasking the devil: strategies to defeat eternity's greatest enemy
Unmasking the devil: strategies to defeat eternity's greatest enemy

Unmasking the devil: strategies to defeat eternity's greatest enemy

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Satanist-Turned-Evangelist Gives You the Inside Strategy to Defeat the Devil’s Plans!

Many people, even Christians, deny the devil’s power. John Ramirez doesn’t have that luxury—he experienced the prince of darkness up close and personal.

In the impoverished streets of the South Bronx, John Ramirez found “acceptance” from a family of witches and warlocks. These practitioners of dark arts trained him to be a high-ranking satanic priest—a story told in his first book, Out of the Devil’s Cauldron. However, everything changed when he met the living Christ.

In Unmasking the Devil, John Ramirez shares an insider view of how satan operates so you can avoid his traps and learn how to:

discern between the voice of God that directs to victory and satan’s voice that leads to destruction.

close the demonic doors satan uses to enter your life: entertainment, unhealthy relationships, greed, and false religion.

activate the spiritual weapons of prayer, intercession, and Scripture to render hell powerless over your life.

recognize how the spirits of Jezebel and Delilah attempt to infiltrate the church, create disunity, and render God’s people powerless.

No army goes into battle without first knowing the tactics of their enemy. Receive behind-the-scene glimpses of satan’s strategies and equip yourself to live victoriously over the powers of darkness!

"Spiritual warfare is a must for every Christian if they are going to survive in the coming years," says John Ramirez. "It's time to stop playing patty-cake with the devil and learn how to put hell on notice."

About the Author:

John Ramirez is an international evangelist, author, and speaker. For sixteen years he has been teaching believers from the Virgin Islands to Germany and on TV shows such as The 700 Club, TBN, The Word Network, and The Church Channel how to defeat the enemy. If you are interested in having John speak at your church or appear on one of your media shows, contact him at www.JohnRamirez.org.

ISBN: 9780768408904
Edit. ou Prod.: Destiny Image Publishing
Référence du produit: 0768408904
Dimensions: 155 x 228 x 12 mm
Poids: 0,338kg
Nombre de pages: 187
Date de sortie: 31/12/2015
Langue: Français

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John Ramirez
JOHN RAMIREZ est un évangéliste et un auteur de renommée internationale. Orateur très sollicité, depuis plus de 16 ans, il parcourt le globe afin d’enseigner aux croyants comment vaincre l’ennemi. Ancien prêtre parmi les plus grandes figures du satanisme, il a été sauvé miraculeusement. Un puissant témoignage qu’il a partagé sur les plateaux télévisés de It’s Supernatural ! TBN, le 700 Club, Daystar et bien d'autres encore.