Destroying the Spirit of Rejection
Destroying the Spirit of Rejection

Destroying the Spirit of Rejection

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Find deliverance from the destructive effects of the spirit of rejection, receive love and acceptance, and finally obtain healing once-and-for-all.

Best-selling author John Eckhardt addresses a common wound that everyone experiences, often early in life. It is the sense of being unwanted and unable to receive love from others. You will break free from manifestations of rejection such as perfectionism, fear, withdrawing from life, pride, self-reliance, people pleasing, lust, insecurity, inferiority, shame, and more.

  • Learn to identify the spirit of rejection and how receiving the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross makes us accepted by God
  • Apply spiritual strategies and renunciation prayers to overcome the spirit of rejection
  • Be emboldened by breakthrough prayers, declarations, strong biblical parallels, and illustrations
ISBN: 9781629987705
Edit. ou Prod.: Charisma house
Réf.: 1629987705
Dimensions: 152 x 228 x 15 mm
Poids: 0,355kg
Nombre de pages: 224
Date de sortie: 18/08/2017
Langue: Anglais

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John Eckhardt
L’apôtre John Eckhardt est le responsable de « Crusaders Ministries » à Chicago dans l'Illinois. Un fort appel apostolique repose sur sa vie, il exerce son ministère aux Etats-Unis et dans plus de 80 pays à travers le monde. C’est un conférencier reconnu internationalement, il produit un programme de télévision hebdomadaire, Perfecting the saints (parfaire les saints), il est l’auteur de plus de 20 ouvrages, dont "Les Prières qui terrassent les démons". Il vit aux alentours de Chicago avec son épouse, Wanda et leurs 5 enfants.