Prayers That Bring Healing
Prayers That Bring Healing

Prayers That Bring Healing

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In his new book Prayers That Bring Healing, John Eckhardt wants you to know that no matter what your sickness, no matter who you are, it is God’s will for you to live a full, healthy, disease-free life. When Jesus came to a town preaching the coming of the kingdom of God, not only did He heal everyone who came to Him but he also healed “all manner of sickness.” This means that there is no sickness, disease, or infirmity God can’t or won’t heal. When the doctors tell you that you have an incurable disease, know that it is not incurable for Jesus. There is nothing too hard for God. In this book you will discover twelve ways healing takes place. They include:

  • Healing through the laying on of hands (Luke 4:40)
  • Healing through deliverance (Matt 8:16)
  • Healing through breaking curses (Gal. 3:13
  • Healing through anointing oil (Mark 6:1)
  • Healing through faith (Mark 11:23)

Healing through prayer (Matt 21:22)

ISBN: 9781616380045
Référence du produit: 1616380045
Dimensions: 150 x 210 x 20 mm
Poids: 0,112kg
Date de sortie: 18/08/2017
Langue: Anglais

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John Eckhardt
L’apôtre John Eckhardt est le responsable de « Crusaders Ministries » à Chicago dans l'Illinois. Un fort appel apostolique repose sur sa vie, il exerce son ministère aux Etats-Unis et dans plus de 80 pays à travers le monde. C’est un conférencier reconnu internationalement, il produit un programme de télévision hebdomadaire, Perfecting the saints (parfaire les saints), il est l’auteur de plus de 20 ouvrages, dont "Les Prières qui terrassent les démons". Il vit aux alentours de Chicago avec son épouse, Wanda et leurs 5 enfants.