Gods Answer To Life's Difficult Questions
Gods Answer To Life's Difficult Questions

Gods Answer To Life's Difficult Questions

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Life's difficult questions have answers. Answers from the Bible that can change your outlook -and your life. Rick Warren takes you to the Bible for answers to twelve of life's toughest questions. Drawing from the examples of different biblical characters who faced the same issues, Warren offers concise, practical insights you can understand and apply in order to move past hardships and experience a life of purpose and significance. How can I - Cope with stress? Rebound from failure? Defeat depression? Have peace of mind? Rick Warren writes, 'In each of these studies, you will discover simple ways to apply God's truth to your personal life, your family, and your job. The way to get the most out of this book is to act on it.' Rick Warren takes you inside the Scriptures to see what they reveal about twelve of the most pressing questions people ask.

ISBN: 9780310340751
Edit. ou Prod.: Zondervan
Réf.: 0310340751
Dimensions: 126 x 180 x 15 mm
Poids: 0,212kg
Date de sortie: 31/03/2011
Langue: Anglais

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Rick Warren
Rick Warren a fondé l'Eglise Saddleback de Lake Forest, en Californie, l'une des plus importantes des Etats-Unis. Plusieurs milliers d'Eglises dans plus de 160 pays ont organisé la campagne "40 jours pour découvrir l'essentiel". Il a formé environ 350 000 pasteurs et responsables à travers le monde.