Liberating Prayer
Liberating Prayer

Liberating Prayer

Finding Freedom By Connecting With God

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"If prayer is so important, why is it so difficult?" Starting from this universal question, Neil T. Anderson, bestselling author of The Bondage Breaker, explores how readers can intimately connect with their loving heavenly Father, looking at the confidence believers can have in taking their struggles before God-and in interceding for others their release from bondage and the freedom they gain to walk in the Spirit the gracious way God leads them to love Him, not His blessings Liberating Prayer emphasizes the life-changing truth that prayer is relationship, not ritual-and that as already-accepted children, believers are free to be honest with their Father. End-of-chapter questions are ideal for group study and help readers immediately apply what they've learned in their own prayer lives. Based on material previously released in Praying by the Power of the Spirit.

ISBN: 0736946650
Réf.: 0736946650
EAN: 9780736946650
Dimensions: 135 x 210 x 25 mm
Poids: 0,161kg
Date de sortie: 26/10/2005
Langue: Anglais

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Neil Anderson
Neil T. Anderson est le fondateur et le président de Freedom in Christ Ministries. Ingénieur, pasteur puis directeur d'études de théologie pratique aux USA, il est l'auteur de plus de 30 livres parmi lesquels figurent Une nouvelle identité pour une nouvelle vie, Le libérateur et Libérés de nos peurs.