Stomping out the Darkness
Stomping out the Darkness

Stomping out the Darkness

Discover your true Identy in Christ

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What do you see when you look in the mirror? A rock superstar? A professional athlete? The next Elle cover girl? Well, maybe not. But guess what—no matter what you see when you look at yourself, God sees something better. That’s because God doesn’t look at your faults and flaws. He accepts you for who you are right now, and He sees you as the person you can become. Do you want to break free of all of the garbage and negative thoughts that cloud your mind—to see who you really are? Stomping Out the Darkness shows how to break through and see yourself through God’s eyes. On these pages you’ll discover that God has had a plan for your life from the beginning of time—and, even though something went wrong with that plan, God has put everything back in order through Jesus. All you have to do is believe.

ISBN: 9780830745876
Edit. ou Prod.: Gospel Light Publishing
Référence du produit: 0830745876
Dimensions: 135 x 215 x 13 mm
Poids: 0,318kg
Nombre de pages: 240
Date de sortie: 19/09/2014
Langue: Anglais

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Neil Anderson
Neil T. Anderson est le fondateur et le président de Freedom in Christ Ministries. Ingénieur, pasteur puis directeur d'études de théologie pratique aux USA, il est l'auteur de plus de 30 livres parmi lesquels figurent Une nouvelle identité pour une nouvelle vie, Le libérateur et Libérés de nos peurs.