Maximizing Your Potential - Expanded Edition
Maximizing Your Potential - Expanded Edition

Maximizing Your Potential - Expanded Edition

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Learning how to maximize your potential gives you the confidence to release the God-given gifts and talents trapped within you. You can make a difference in your world now! Now it is God who has made us...and has given us the Spirit as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come (2 Corinthians 5:5). Best-selling author Myles Munroe provides practical, integrated, and penetrating concepts that allow you to discover and develop your best. This expanded edition of the popular Maximizing Your Potential book is organized to keep you focused on your goals to discover and release your potential, refire your passion for life, and move you forward into your destiny. Potential is like soil it must be worked and fed to produce fruit. Maximize your potential today!

ISBN: 0768426748
Réf.: 0768426748
EAN: 9780768426748
Dimensions: 125 x 142 x 10 mm
Poids: 0,116kg
Date de sortie: 14/05/1997
Langue: Anglais

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Myles Munroe
MYLES MUNROE (1954-2014) était un évangéliste bahaméen, pasteur, auteur, conférencier et consultant en leadership qui a fondé et dirigé les Bahamas Faith Ministries International (BFMI). Munroe et sa femme sont morts dans un accident d’avion le 9 novembre 2014. 

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