Reading life, the joy of seeing new worlds through other's eyes
Reading life, the joy of seeing new worlds through other's eyes

Reading life, the joy of seeing new worlds through other's eyes

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The revered teacher and best-selling author reflects on the power, importance, and joy of a life dedicated to reading books in this delightful collection drawn from his wide body of writings.

More than fifty years after his death, revered intellectual and teacher C. S. Lewis continues to speak to readers, thanks not only to his intellectual insights on Christianity but also his wondrous creative works and deep reflections on the literature that influenced his life. Beloved for his instructive novels including The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, and The Chronicles of Narnia as well as his philosophical books that explored theology and Christian life, Lewis was a life-long writer and book lover.

Cultivated from his many essays, articles, and letters, as well as his classic works, The Reading Life provides guidance and reflections on the love and enjoyment of books. Engaging and enlightening, this well-rounded collection includes Lewis’ reflections on science fiction, why children’s literature is for readers of all ages, and why we should read two old books for every new one.

A window into the thoughts of one of the greatest public intellectuals of our time, this collection reveals not only why Lewis loved the written word, but what it means to learn through literature from one of our wisest and most enduring teachers.

ISBN: 9780008307110
Edit. ou Prod.: William Collins
Réf.: 0008307110
Dimensions: 133 x 205 x 18 mm
Poids: 0,299kg
Nombre de pages: 171
Date de sortie: 31/10/2019
Langue: Anglais

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Clive Staple Lewis
C. S. Lewis (1898-1963), converti au christianisme sous l’influence de son ami Tolkien, fait partie de ces écrivains qui suscitèrent par leurs ouvrages un véritable renouveau de la foi chrétienne. Professeur de littérature du Moyen-Âge et de la Renaissance à l’Université d’Oxford, doué d’un esprit exceptionnellement brillant, servi par une redoutable logique et un style sobre et concis, il connut une très grande popularité dans les milieux anglophones. Ses œuvres de fiction, notamment Les chroniques de Narnia, jouissent d’un immense succès.