Releasing the Spirit of Prophecy
Releasing the Spirit of Prophecy

Releasing the Spirit of Prophecy

The Supernatural Power of Testimony

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"Tell your story to everyone and" release the power of Jesus! ."..For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy (Revelation 19:10)." Telling others about the miracles in your life makes God more real to them. As people hear about God's supernatural acts, they start to expect "and" see the extraordinary happen in their own lives. As you share your miracle stories, you actually release the spirit of prophecy and declare into the atmosphere, "The Jesus Who transformed my circumstance will do the same for you!" In this timely repackaged edition of "Release the Power of Jesus," Pastor Bill Johnson shows you how to: Release God's power wherever you go by simply talking about His miraclesBuild a supernatural heritage by sharing stories of God's actsCreate an atmosphere of faith and expectancy for the healing power of JesusActivate everything you have received from God through inheritanceYour spiritual birthright is to experience and release the power of Jesus. Share your miracle stories and watch these prophecies of God's power set your world on fire today!

ISBN: 9780768404814
Edit. ou Prod.: Destiny Image Publishing
Réf.: 0768404814
Dimensions: 155 x 231 x 14 mm
Poids: 0,265kg
Nombre de pages: 192
Date de sortie: 30/11/2014
Langue: Anglais

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Bill Johnson
Bill Johnson est un pasteur du « Réveil ». Son ministère de prédication est en pleine croissance et vise à donner une place plus importante à l’Esprit Saint telle que celle perçue dans la nouvelle évangélisation catholique. Son ministère dépasse les barrières confessionnelles et édifie des relations qui permettent aux responsables spirituels d’avancer dans ce mouvement d’écoute plus profonde de l’Esprit.