Soul Survivor
Soul Survivor

Soul Survivor

How My Faith Survives The Church

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Disillusioned by the distortions and hypocrisies of the church in which he grew up, Philip Yancey set out in search of a life enhanced by faith instead of diminished by religion. Having struggled to forge personal convictions about God amid the ironies of life and the incongruities of religion, he looks closer at those whose lives radiate spiritual authenticity rather than pious posturing.From Dostoevsky to Martin Luther King, G. K. Chesterton to Paul Brand, Yancey pays homage to some of the most remarkable, selfless, Christ-like lives our world has known, and asks what both he and we can do to find such beautiful faith in our own lives.
ISBN: 0340954782
Réf.: 0340954782
EAN: 9780340954782
Dimensions: 120 x 230 x 12 mm
Poids: 0,013kg
Date de sortie: 27/08/2009
Langue: Anglais

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Philip Yancey
Philip Yancey est journaliste, auteur et conférencier. Il a écrit une vingtaine d’ouvrages dont douze ont été récompensés (Ce Jésus que je ne connaissais pas, Touché par la grâce, Déçu par Dieu). Il vit avec son épouse près de Denver au Colorado.