Vanishing Grace What ever happened to the Good News?
Vanishing Grace What ever happened to the Good News?

Vanishing Grace What ever happened to the Good News?

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Philip Yancey aims this book at Christian readers, showing them how Christians have lost respect, influence, and reputation in a newly post-Christian culture. “Why do they hate us so much?” mystified Americans ask about the rest of the world. A similar question applies to evangelicals in America. Yancey explores what may have contributed to hostility toward Evangelicals, especially in their mixing of faith and politics instead of embracing more grace-filled ways of presenting the gospel. He offers illuminating stories of how faith can be expressed in ways that disarm even the most cynical critics. Then he explores what is Good News and what is worth preserving in a culture that thinks it has rejected Christian faith.

ISBN: 9781444789003
Edit. ou Prod.: Hodder & Stoughton
Réf.: 1444789010
Dimensions: 154 x 235 x 25 mm
Poids: 0,450kg
Nombre de pages: 294
Date de sortie: 28/02/2014
Langue: Anglais

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Philip Yancey
Philip Yancey est journaliste, auteur et conférencier. Il a écrit une vingtaine d’ouvrages dont douze ont été récompensés (Ce Jésus que je ne connaissais pas, Touché par la grâce, Déçu par Dieu). Il vit avec son épouse près de Denver au Colorado.